Resolutions, Letters of Support, and Other Initiatives

NNABA posts resolutions here related to law and public policy passed by the Board of Directors or members.


2024 Resolutions:

2024-01: Creation of the Firekeepers Circle 

2023 Resolutions:

2023-01: Urging Congress and the Federal Government to Consult with Tribal Nations Regarding a Legislative Response to the Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta Supreme Court Decision

2023-02: Urging Representation of and Visibility for Two-Spirit People in the LGBTQ2s+ Legal Community

2023-03: Urging an Increase in Native American Representation in the Federal Judiciary

2022 Resolutions:

2022-01: To Increase Native American Representation in the Federal Judiciary

2020 Resolutions:

2020-004: Calling on Congress to Introduce and Support Reparation Legislation for the Treatment of American Indians and Alaska Natives
2020-003: Urging Representation of Native People in Studies of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts at All Levels of the Legal Profession
2020-002: Urging Adoption and Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
2020 – 001: Tribal Citizenship Policy and Protection Task Force

2019 Resolutions:

2019 – 001: In Support of the Tribal Adoption Parity Act
2019 – 002: In Support of Upholding the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
2019 – 003: Urging States and Municipalities to Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day
2019 – 004: Calling on Congress to Pass Legislation Addressing Violet Crime in Indian Country and Providing Victim Assistance
2019-006: Support for Native Hawaiians, Mauna Kea Protectors,and Mauna Kea
2019-007: Support for Swift Political, Economic, and Social Actions to Address the Harms of the Climate Crisis
2019-008: Support for Immigrant Communities
2019-009: Protect and Enhance Indian Health Service Funding
2019-010: Urging All Levels of Government to Protect the Voting Rights of Native People

2017 Resolutions:

2017 – 002: To Urge the Federal Government to Protect Tribal Interests in Federal Public Lands and to Not Transfer Federal Public Lands to the States

2016 Resolutions:

ABA NO.117: To Consider Impact of Uniform Bar Exam on Minority Attorneys and to considert Including Indian Law in States with Sizable American Indian Populations
2016-6: To Support the Discontinued Use of the Sports Name R*Dskins and Legal Bar To Trademark Registration of the Name
2016-5: To Support the Discontinuance of Racist and Stereotypical Depictions of Native Americans in American Sports
2016-4: To Support the Inclusion of Indian Law on Bar Exams
2016-3: To Support The Indian Child Welfare Act Particularly Against Litigious Attacks
2016-2: To Support Tribal Courts and Justice Systems in Light of Recent Arguments Presented in the U.S. Supreme Court Case Dollar General Corp. and Dolgencorp, LLC v. The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, et al.
2016-1 To Support Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and the Legal Profession

2015 Resolutions:
2015-1: To Support Implementation of the Indian Law and Order Commission Recommendations
2015-2: To Support Implementation of the Task Force on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence Report
2015-3: To Support Implementation of the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and Title IX of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
2015-4: To Increase Native American representation in the Federal Judiciary
2015-5: To Request Federal Civil Rights Investigation Into Death of Christina Dawn Tahhahwah in City of Lawton, Oklahoma Jail
2015-6: To Support Equal Protection and Due Process For Any Divestment of the American Indigenous Right of Tribal Citizenship
2015-7: Affirming The Inclusion of Indian Law on State Bar Licensing Exams
2015-8: Supporting Pocantico Call to Action on Climate Impacts and Cultural Heritage

2014 Resolutions:
2014 CBAC Resolutions
American Bar Association Resolution – Constitution and Bylaws Submission – Federally Recognized Tribes
American Bar Association Legal Access Job Corps Task Force – Access to Justice
2014-1: To Support the First-Ever Comprehensive Study of Native American Attorneys
2014-2: To Increase Native American Representation in the Federal Judiciary
2014-3: To Support Amendments to the Voting Rights Act
2014-4: To Support Changes to the Federal Acknowledgment Process

2013 Resolutions:
American Bar Association Indian Child Welfare Act Resolution – August 12, 2013
National Native American Bar Association Resolution on Law School Diversity – July 1, 2013
NNABA Resolution 2013-1 – Supporting Increased Funding for Tribal Justice Systems
NNABA Resolution 2013-2 – To Increase Native American Representation in the Federal Judiciary
NNABA Resolution 2013-3 – Supporting the Free Exercise of Indigenous Religion by American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Prisoners in Domestic Detention Facilities

2012 Resolutions:
Resolution No. 2012-1 – Representation in Federal Judiciary
NNABA Resolution 2012-2 – VAWA
NNABA Resolution No. 2012-3 – Increased Funding for Tribal Justice Systems

2011 Resolutions:
NNABA Resolution 2011-2 – Deepwater Horizon Spill Response
NNABA Resolution 2011-3 – Inclusion of Tribes in Climate Change Discussions
NNABA Resolution 2011-4 – Sharia Law

Formal Opinions:
Formal Opinion No. 1 – Duties of Tribal Court Advocate to Ensure Due Process Afforded to All Individuals Targeted for Disenrollment – June 26, 2015